Hubble Needs Glasses:
Gesture-based Optics Lesson

Hubble Needs Glasses: Screenshot of Testbed Prototype [2017]
Hubble Needs Glasses is a computer lesson that teaches basic optics concepts using gesture interactions. The system was used as the experimental testbed to test whether gesture-based interactions increase instructional efficiency in a computer lesson.
My role: Principal Investigator
- Designed, conducted, and analyzed (Regression) a series of experiments to test the instructional efficiency of gesture-based interactions as well as the medium of instruction on a computer-based science lesson
- Developed instructional content on optics concepts and wireframed (designed) the lesson for programmers to implement
- Conducted a series of studies to develop validated natural gesture-based interactions that were perceived as natural by users
- Managed a team of computer engineers to program over 30 gesture-based commands (Unity game engine) that could be recognized by the Microsoft Kinect motion-tracker and performed extensive bug testing of the computer system
2016 - RADM Fred Lewis Postgraduate Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Award
2019 - Selected Best Poster Presentation by the Individual Differences Technical Group at Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
Bailey, S.K.T. & Johnson, C.I. (2019). Performance on a Natural User Interface Task is Correlated with Higher Gesture Production. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 63. doi: 10.1177/1071181319631181
Bailey, S. K. T., Johnson, C. I., & Sims, V. K. (2018). Using natural gesture interactions leads to higher usability and presence in a computer lesson. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association
Bailey, S. K. T. (2017). Getting the upper hand: Natural gesture interactions improve instructional efficiency on a conceptual computer lesson (Doctoral disseration, University of Central Florida)