Gesture-based VR:
Military Procedure Training

Screenshot of Gesture Interaction in VR Procedural Trainer [2016]
Experiments were conducted to compare virtual reality (VR) training to desktop training for a military machine maintenance procedure. Gesture-based commands were used to interact with the VR system.
My role: Co-Investigator
- Actively contributed to the design and implementation of three experiments using virtual reality systems (e.g., Oculus Rift, Microsoft Kinect, HTC Vive)
- Created a task analysis of mechanical maintenance procedures to identify the critical cognitive and human performance parameters to incorporate instructional content
- Coordinated with the virtual environment engineering team on the modeling and simulation requirements for a training technology prototype (Unity game engine)
- Mentored junior researchers on experimental design and writing skills
- Contributed to writing a proposal for additional experimentation that was awarded
Bailey, S.K.T., Johnson, C.I., Schroeder, B.L., & Marraffino, M.D. (2017). Using virtual reality for training maintenance procedures. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference
Schroeder, B.L., Bailey, S.K.T., Johnson, C.I., & Gonzalez-Holland, E.E. (2017). Presence and usability do not directly predict procedural recall in virtual reality training. In Stephanidis C. (Ed.), Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 714. HCI International 2017 - Posters' Extended Abstracts (pp. 54-61). Berlin, Germany: Springer.